Jaiswal Dental Clinic Orthodontic and Implant Centre
Dadabari Kota, Kota
About Jaiswal Dental Clinic Orthodontic and Implant Centre
Jaiswal Dental Clinic Orthodontic & Implant Centre in Kota-rajasthan offers a host of treatments and cures for a wide range of dental problems and diseases faced by the patients in day to day life.
They provide High quality Dental Treatment by Modern Technology and Advanced Equipments with Gentle care.
Few of the dental procedures they offer are Root Canal Treatment (R.C.T.) , Braces Treatment for malaligned tooth (Orthodontic Treatment), Dental Implants for missing tooth, Smile Designing, Tooth Whitening, Tooth Coloured fillings and repairs in the tooth, applying Crowns (Caps), Bridges as well as extractions (surgical removal) of cavities/milky /disfigured/wisdom teeth. This clinic is operational from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 - 14:00 & 17:00-20:00.
For further queries, the patients can call on the clinic's direct helpline number - +(91)9928300175 & +(91)7014032122.
Clinic Address & Location
80, Basant Vihar Special,Blood Bank Road, Dadabari Kota, Kota