Malav Multispeciality Dental Clinic (Implant & Laser Center)
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad

About Malav Multispeciality Dental Clinic (Implant & Laser Center)
Dr. Malav Sheth is professionally practicing near Atithi restaurant, bodakdev in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat. Since the humble beginning as a graduate from A.J. Institute of Dental Sciences (A.J.I.D.S), Mangalore acquiring B.D.S, gained one step ahead by securing his admission in M.D.S in the field Periodontology & Implantology by cracking karnataka common entrance test (KCET) in A.J.I.D.S affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. He has acquired further training in the science of Dental Implants as well as Cosmetic Dentistry from New York University whereby he has specialised in The Art of Smile Correction and Makeover by use of Metal Free Ceramic Crowns & Veneers.
In today's world, Dental Care is no more a concept of luxury in the society. He has set up "One Solution Roof" to all Oral & Dental Problems in his dream project "Malav Multispeciality Dental Clinic, Implant & Laser Center".
As a Periodontist, Implantologist & Smile Makeover Expert he feels its his moral duty to cater to the need of the citizens and spread awareness that missing teeth can be replaced with most possible natural ways. He is committed to provide patients with most Comprehensive, Quality, Compassionate and Affordable Dental Treatments.
Clinic Address & Location
10, Mohini tower, 1st floor, Besides Atithi restaurant, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad
Our Doctors
My News Feed
#doctor #dentist #teeth #dental #dentalcare #tooth #care #selfcare #selflove #life #tips #tipsforlife #decay #toothdecay #health #healthcare #healthy #medicine #medical #teethwhitening #ahmedabad #teethcleaning #teethgoals #smile #smilecare
If you are choosing a metal ceramic crown (inside metal and outside tooth colored), you should be aware of the metals used in fabrication of that metal for its strength and durability.
Normally by majority what is being used is a cobalt, chromium, nickel & beryllium.
There is a scientific evidence backing that metal such as nickel is harmful to your body.
So metal what should have been used for fabrication of metal ceramic crowns should be purely cobalt & chromium which is very biocompatible (harmless).
It’s already an era of metal free revolution !
A very popular term is “zirconia” for metal free crowns. When you opt for metal free crowns always you should opt for medical grade zirconia. This material is used by hardly few laboratories in India. This technology & material is from Germany.
Either go for the best initially & get no problems for almost lifetime OR compromise on material initially & face problems in that for almost a lifetime.
Remember it is a viscous cycle. Choice is yours !
If in case you require more information, please feel free to contact us.
This is precisely what happens when we look for "cheap deals in healthcare".
Sterilisation of instruments is most important consideration when choosing a dental centre or any health care centre where you undergo procedure. Boiling of instruments is an outdated modality.
Autoclaving is the only way to sterilise all surgical, medical and dental instruments.. When one doctor charges a bit more, remember you are paying for extra care and safety of yourself and the doctor treating you.
On this 57th Gujarat Foundation day,
AIM: To bring revolution for Oral & Dental treatments so that our clients & patient can afford the best ! They deserve it.
Making oral care affordable & adjustable financially.
Stay tuned !
It will be announced sooooooon ! #gujarat #garvigujarat #foundation #foundationday #57th #feeling #determined #determination #aim #goals #goal #dental #dentaltreatment #affordable #quality #best #bestmaterial #besttreatment #finances #options #veryaffordable #convinient #oralcare #oralhealth #oralhealthcare #dentaltourism #dentaltourismindia #dentistnearme #dentistinbodakdev #dentistinahmedabad #dentalclinicinbodakdev #dentalclinicinahmedabad #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implants #laser #center #drmalavsheth
We have observed many a times that patient want the best in their mouth be it any treatment or material options to choose from but sometimes due to financial constraints not able to opt for it as in our system we lack dental insurance.
On this 57th Gujarat Foundation day,
AIM: To bring revolution for Oral & Dental treatments so that our clients & patient can afford the best ! They deserve it.
Making oral care affordable & adjustable financially.
Stay tuned !
It will be announced sooooooon !
#Ceativesmilesindia #dentist #dental #flexible #dentures #flexibledenture #healthyteeth #smile #retainyoursmile #dentistry #oralhealth #dentalhygiene #dentalcare #health #teethwhitening #cosmeticdentistry
#prosthodontics #prosthodontist #prostho #occlusion #restorativedentistry #restorativedentist #aestheticdentistry #aestheticdentist #cosmeticdentistry #cosmeticdentist #smilemakeover #smilemakeovers #smiledesigner #smiledesign #smiledesigning #minimallyinvasivedentistry #dentistnearme #dentistnearby #dentistinbodakdev #dentalclinicinbodakdev #dentistinahmedabad #dentalclinicinahmedabad #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #drmalavsheth
We took his history and found he had undergone extraction 1 month back.
We carried out intraoral examination and on palpation found that patient experienced pain on running a finger in that area. On tactile sensation, felt a spicule of bone which was overlooked after carrying out extraction.
Any sharp edges of bone left out after an extraction of tooth usually requires reshaping so that it doesn’t hurt the gums after healing takes place which happened in this case.
We carried out reshaping of the bone (osteoplasty) and sutured the area. Suture removal planned after 7 days.
Also, replacement of the missing teeth was of utmost priority for the patient. After discussing all the options with him according to his oral condition, he finally opted for FLEXIBLE DENTURE.
The pictures of replacement of his missing teeth with flexible denture will be posted soon. #dentistry #dental #complain #complaining #pain #swelling #history #extractions #examination #intraoral #bony #spicules #planning #treatment #incision #osteoplasty #dentistry #world #worldwide #dentaltourism #dentistinbodakdev #dentistinahmedabad #drmalavsheth #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implant #laser #center
@ Malav Multispeciality Dental Clinic Implant and Laser Center
Healthy mouth and healthy body both go hand in hand.
Never neglect oral health.
#oralhealth #generalhealth #healthy #overallhealth #pledge #neglect #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #dentistinahmedabad #dentistinbodakdev #drmalavsheth
Drnehal Sheth
Accurate occlusal anatomy enhances proper function (mainly chewing). High strength and durability of prosthesis (crown or bridge) can withstand high chewing forces / load. 80-85% chewing load is on the posterior (back) teeth.
Resemblance to adjacent natural teeth is also important for overall esthetics.
Accurate recording of margins of teeth for fabrication of crown or bridge is very essential to prevent food lodgement (entrapment) between gums and teeth.
Also, Perfect occlusion (biting) aids not only in proper chewing but also maintains the hidden musculature forces between your lips, cheeks & teeth !
Never Compromise on oral health !
Never settle for less !
We “Never” compromise on minute details as minimal problems now can lead to bigger problems later !
Don’t ever give chance to “invite problems”.
Wish you all a very HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY !
Exclusive Republic Day Offer !
1) Free 35 Point Oral Examination & Dental Check up
2) Complimentary Tooth Paste
3) 10% Off on all Dental Services
Offer Validity: Upto 27th January 1 PM.
*Offer valid Only on prior appointment.
To schedule your appointment, Call on 963888679.
Mera Bharat Mahaan !
Exclusive Republic Day Offer !
1) Free 35 Point Oral Examination & Dental Check up
2) Complimentary Tooth Paste
3) 10% Off on all Dental Services
Offer Validity: Upto 27th January 1 PM.
*Offer valid Only on prior appointment.
To schedule your appointment, Call on 9638880679.
We are open on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM for your convenience.
Our bookings are open for all New and Existing patients and clients.
For appointments, you can call us on +91 9638880679. #dentistry #dentist #patients #clients #busy #work #workout #workroutine #open #sundays #sundayservice #hygiene #oralhygiene #dentalcheckup #follow #followup #teens #adults #old #new #existing #patients #clients #welcome #dentaltourism #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #drmalavsheth #dentistinbodakdev #dentistinahmedabad
We are open on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM for your convenience.
Our bookings are open for all New and Existing patients and clients.
For appointments, you can call us on +91 9638880679.
#teens #dentalcheckup #oralhygiene #oralhabits #hygiene #decay #toothdecayprevention #sealant #dental #dentistry #dentalcheckup #dentaltourism #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #drmalavsheth #dentist #bodakdev #dentistinbodakdev #dentistinahmedabad
Wish you all a very Happy, Successful & Blissfull New Year 2019 !
With *Diwali Festival* round the corners, we all have started preparing to make our homes tidy, decor our homes with lights, searching for corporate gifts, buying sweets & dryfruits, etc.
In between all this, have we given a single *thought* about our oral & general health ?????
*Scientific evidence based research* have proved it several times that oral health is an integral part of general health. So maintaining a good oral health is our own duty.
We have pledged to *improve oral health* of our community, at large. You can be part of it without digging a huge hole in your pocket.
*Raining Diwali offers !!*
*1) Free 35 point Oral Health Assessment.*
*2) Free localised gross scaling.*
*3) 15% off on all services (Except Dental implant, Braces, Veneers, Metal Free crowns).*
*4) 10% off on Dental implant, Braces, Veneers, Metal Free crowns.*
*Note: Offer valid only for patients & clients who have taken prior appointment.*
*Offer Period:* 26th October to 17th November Only.
#oralhealth #oralassessment #35pointscheckup #awareness #oralhygiene #dentalcheckup #exclusive #diwali #diwalioffers #offers #appointment #dentaltourism #dentist #dentalsurgeon #dentistinbodakdev #bodakdev #dentistinahmedabad #ahmedabad #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implantandlasercenter #drmalavsheth
Had an amazing four days with Dr. Stuart Orton Jones known as “Big Daddy of Occlusion” learning the full mouth occlusion which can be applied in all the aspects of dentistry and for almost all the dental treatments ranging from simple to the most complexed dental treatments. If the occlusion is not right no dental treatments can give you fruitful results over a period of time.
We believe in Learn, Unlearn & Relearn !
Learn, Share & Grow !
#dentaltreatments #dentistry #occlusion #basics #simplified #fullmouth #fullmouthrehabilitation #fullmouthrestoration #mumbai #learn #share #grow #dentaltourism #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #drmalavsheth #bodakdev #ahmedabad
#missingtooth #options #replacement #dentalimplant #implant #dentist #dentistry #implantologist #dentaltourism #tourism #medicaltourism #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implantandlasercenter #bodakdev #ahmedabad #gujarat
#missingtooth #options #replacement #dentalimplant #implant #dentist #dentistry #implantologist #dentaltourism #tourism #medicaltourism #malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implantandlasercenter #bodakdev #ahmedabad #gujarat
#malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implantandlasercenter #bodakdev #ahmedabad
#malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #implantandlasercenter #bodakdev #ahmedabad
We seek forgiveness for any harm we may have caused you
- By Thoughts
- By Words
- By Actions,
knowingly or unknowingly.
Kshamapana Sutra with Meaning
_(I grant forgiveness to all living beings)_
_(May all living beings grant me forgiveness)_
_(My friendship is with all living beings)_
_(My enemy is totally non-existent)_
_(Please forgive my bad deeds done knowingly or unknowingly)_
#OralHealthMatters #PreventNowOrRepentLater #MalavMultispecialityDentalClinic
For any querries, call us on 9638880679.
What if your missing tooth is not replaced ????
It can cause harm to atleast 3 to 4 neighbouring or adjacent teeth and its supporting structures over a period of time leading to imbalance of forces between lips, cheek and your teeth over a period of time.
Visit your dentist for apt diagnosis & to know about different options to get your teeth replaced to keep your oral & dental health at peace.
KeyNote: Dentistry is not expensive but neglect or negligence is !
#malavmultispecialitydentalclinic #drmalavsheth
" W.O.H.D offers the dental and oral health community a platform to take action and help reduce the overall disease burden. "
#WorldOralHealthDay #WorldOralHealthDay2018 #WOHD #Dentists #DentistsAroundTheWorld #DentistsNearby #OralHealth #DentalHealth
Remind. Remind again. Remind them hard. Photos details how adherence to prescriptions written by doctor is so bad and why we 'FORGET' about it #digitalhealth #health #cbinsights #Rx #kivihealth.
How to prevent Tooth Decay?
#Dentist #DentistNearby #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
How to prevent Tooth Decay?
#Dentist #DentistNearby #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
#Dentist #DentistNearby #WomensDay2018 #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Why you should visit a dentist?
#Dentist #DentistNearby #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Why you should visit a dentist?
#Dentist #DentistNearby #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
On this special day, let's celebrate Dentistry..!
#Dentist #DentistNearby #HappyDentistsDay #NationalDentistsDay2018 #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Visit us to know better...
#Dentist #DentistsNearby #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Please comment below and provide us your feedback...
#TeethCrown #ToothImplant #DentalCare #Dentist #DentistsNearby #OralCare #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
#Dentist #DentistNearby #Holi2018 #HappyHoli #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Visit us to know more...
#TeethCrown #ToothImplant #DentalCare #Dentist #DentistsNearby #OralCare #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
#SensitiveTeeth #ToothSensitivity #DentalCare #Dentist #DentistsNearby #OralCare #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Visit us for a routine check-up, eat healthy, work out often and gift yourself a healthy life.
#ValentinesDay2018 #ValentinesDay #14Feb #HealthyLove #HealthyLife
#Dentist #DentistNearby #OralCare #OralSurgery #DentalHealth #DidYouKnow #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
Visit us today to know how we can help you get rid of the pain..!
#Dentist #Orthodontist #OrthodontistsNearby #DentistsNearby #DentalCare #OralCare #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
It's time to visit us..!
#Dentist #Orthodontist #OrthodontistsNearby #DentistsNearby #DentalCare #OralCare #DentalHealth #HealthyTeeth #BrushingTeeth #OralHygiene #HappySmiles
#DentalCare #Dentists #RCT #RootCanalTreatment #WeLoveDentistry #Teeth #OralHealth
#MalavMultispecialityDentalClinic #Implantandlasercenter !
fresh hopes, undiscovered avenues,
different perspectives, everything bright &
beautiful and fill Your days with pleasant surprises and moments.
#HappyDhanteras to you & your family !