Best practice management software
for ophthalmologists

Advancing Ophthalmologists are looking for technology to replace inefficient manual process. Developed to improve a practice, KiviHealth’s knowledge of ophthalmology remains unmatched. The platform delivers flexible workflow efficiency and improved capabilities, so you can focus on patient care.
Appointment Management

Easy appointment Management & e-Prescribing.

Smart Financing

Financial Data Analysis - Insight of Payments received, Payments due, Average Practice, etc.

Templates for Complaints

Blurred Vision, Red Eye, Irritation, Redness, Floaters,etc.

Follow Ups

Follow-up Instructions & Procedures via SMS reminders, Email and SMS Campaigns.

Cloud Support

Remote access to records


Blood Sugar, LFT, A - Scan, B - Scan, CBC, Haemoglobin, etc.

  • Better Follow Ups -Easy to access the Previous Records
  • Easy Inspection -Detect anomalies associated to diseases that affect
    the eye and to monitor the progression of the disease.
  • Monitor Disease Processes -macular degeneration, retinal
    neoplasms, choroid disturbances and diabetic retinopathy.
  • History & Examination Templates - AXIS, CYL, SPH, VA, Refraction, Iris
    Status, Cornea Status, Anterior Chamber with Depth Status for both
    Left and Right Eye.
  • Accuracy and Readablilty -Better Visual representation
  • Data Security -No Glass prescription can be tampered
Customized Digital Marketing
Successful clinics recognize that their online presence is their new front door. Our experience demonstrates that if you do not have a compelling and informative presence online, you’re invisible to the prospective patient.
Kivihealth includes -
  • Marketing-smart Facebook pages,
  • Content-rich blog,
  • Informative social media and other marketing tools.