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Gynaecologist in Delhi

Speciality: Gynaecologist

          A gynecologist is a specialist who treats medical diseases and other conditions that affect women and their reproductive organs (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and breasts. Today, gynecologist is also an obstetrician who deals with pregnant ladies and their unborn baby. For example, women may be referred to gynecologists in the earlier stages of pregnancy, and obstetricians later in their term. Gynecological procedures include laparoscopy, cone biopsies, hysterectomies and smear testing programmes.

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MBBS, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology

14 Years Experience

WZ-91, FF, Hari SIngh Park, New Multan Nagar, Street Opposite Metro Piller Number 217, Near Paschim Vihar East Metro Station, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi Paschim Vihar, Delhi 110063
Paschim Vihar, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380


12 Years Experience

S-7, KH99/10, Vishwas Park Uttam Nagar, Delhi 110059
Uttam Nagar, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380


9 Years Experience

Dr.Jain's-Bliss & Bless Women's Health Clinic Mehrauli · Clinic Fee: ₹300 18-A/1/26, Ward No-1,Near LIC Office & Kela Godaam, Mehrauli, Delhi Delhi Mehrauli, Delhi 110030
Mehrauli, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380

B- 204, Sunpark Avenue, Nirman Bhawan, Delhi- 110011 Nirman Bhawan, Delhi 110011
Nirman Bhawan, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380


38 Years Experience

H-90 Krishna Nagar near classic ice cream Delhi-110051 Krishna Nagar H.O, Delhi 110051
Krishna Nagar H.O, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380

LAXMI NAGAR DELHI Laxmi Nagar East Delhi, Delhi 110092
Laxmi Nagar East Delhi, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380

Dr.Mukerjee Nagar, Delhi 110009
Dr.Mukerjee Nagar, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380

MBBS, MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

16 Years Experience

F-27, Madhu Vihar Gurudwara Road Patpar Ganj Madhu Vihar, Delhi 110092
Madhu Vihar, Delhi

Call On: 98980 00380

Find best Gynaecologist in Delhi with KiViHealth - online Appointment Booking Platform. Specialities - Gynaecologist, Obstetrician, infertility clinic, etc. Dealing with pregnancy related problems, infertility, etc.