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Gynaecologist in Ambawadi, Ahmedabad

Speciality: Gynaecologist

Area: Ambawadi

 endodontic surgery  

          A gynecologist is a specialist who treats medical diseases and other conditions that affect women and their reproductive organs (vagina, uterus and ovaries) and breasts. Today, gynecologist is also an obstetrician who deals with pregnant ladies and their unborn baby. For example, women may be referred to gynecologists in the earlier stages of pregnancy, and obstetricians later in their term. Gynecological procedures include laparoscopy, cone biopsies, hysterectomies and smear testing programmes.

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Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

37 Years Experience

Interest areas

195, Manekbaug sociey, B/h: Manekbaug Hall Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380006
Ambawadi, Ahmedabad

Call On: 98980 00380

Find best Gynaecologist in Ahmedabad with KiViHealth - online Appointment Booking Platform. Specialities - Gynaecologist, Obstetrician, infertility clinic, etc. Dealing with pregnancy related problems, infertility, etc.