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Physiotherapist in Mulund West, Mumbai

Speciality: Physiotherapist

Area: Mulund West

Name: gaurika  

          A physiotherapist is a therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder. He is a specialist which promotes the mobility of those who are handicapped by accident by external manipulation. A physiotherapist can also help you prevent further injury by listening to your wants and working with you to plan the most appropriate treatment for your condition, including setting goals and treatment outcomes. Common treatments provided by them are acupuncture, massage, hydrotherapy, airway clearance techniques and breathing exercises, exercise programs to improve mobility and strengthen muscles, joint manipulation and mobilization to reduce pain and stiffness etc.

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Master of Surgery (MS)

11 Years Experience

Interest areas

121, 1st floor, marathon monte plaza, opp telephone exchange, madan mohan malavia road Mulund West, Mumbai 400080
Mulund West, Mumbai
~999 Km

Call On: 98980 00380

Opp. Chheda Petrol Pump, Mulund Colony, Off L.B.S. Marg Mulund West, Mumbai 400080
Mulund West, Mumbai
~999 Km

Call On: 98980 00380